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in my opinion its paper and gun powder........ hope that helps

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13y ago

Gunpowder and the compass

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Lori Hare

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1y ago

gunpowder and paper

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Q: What were two important inventions the Chinese made during the middle ages?
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What were Chinese industrial inventions?

In the Middle Ages, the Chinese invented porcelain, also known as china, and movable type, which was for making numerous copies of one piece of literary work.

Why did the Chinese call their country the middle?

They considered China to be in the middle of the world and the most important country in the world.

Why did the Chinese call their country the middle kingdom?

They considered China to be in the middle of the world and the most important country in the world.

What were inventions in China 1750-1914?

Some inventions in China between 1750 and 1914 included the gas cylinder and gun powder modernization. The Chinese also invented a non-invasive neonatal test for Downs Syndrome in the middle 1900s.

Why was religion important during the middle ages?

Because religion was so important during the Middle Ages, most people owned Bibles.

Why were pilgrimages important during the middle ages?

i cant

What finger is the the Chinese middle finger?

The pinky is the Chinese middle finger A chicken finger is the Chinese middle finger. Improved answer: The pinky is NOT the Chinese middle finger. I know, because I'm Chinese! The middle finger is the same. Also, where in the world did you get chicken finger from?

What was the most important spice during the middle ages?

The most important spice during the Middle Ages was black pepper. It was a very valuable commodity in the European spice trade.

What inventions are from the Middle East?

Most early inventions, particularly involving agriculture, originated in the Middle East: the rake, the hoe, the shallow plow, the scythe, the yolk, and others, probably had their origins in the Middle East.

Why was Christianity important to people during the Middle Ages?

i guess

In the middle ages most important musicians were?

The most important musicians during the Middle Ages were priests and those who worked for the church.

When were guns first invented?

Firearms (guns) did not exist in the prehistoric age. Firearms did not exist in ancient times. In fact, it was originally the Middle Ages when firearms (guns) were invented. During the Middle Ages, the Chinese invented gunpowder in the 9th century A.D. (800s A.D.). Then the Chinese invented firearms (guns) in the 14th century A.D. (1300s A.D.) during the Middle Ages. It was the 14th century A.D. in the Middle Ages when the Chinese invented firearms (guns).