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Q: What were three innovations that helped the norths economy during the war?
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What is norths economy based on?

my butt

Was a characteristic of the Norths economy?

It was focused on technology and industry

What was the Norths economy based on during the 1800s?

The North and South had very different economies. The North relied on factories to make goods that they could sell or trade in their economy while the South's economy was mostly agricultural, relying mostly on cotton. -those other answers were wrong

What is so interesting about South Korea?

It is separated from North Korea, and Souths' economy is better than norths'.

What was the norths capital during the civil war?

Washington d.c.

What was the norths color during the civil war?

navy blue

What was the norths economy based on before the civil war?

Before the civil war the north economy was based on agriculture. It was later based on the industrial revolution after the war.

What of the following describes a characteristic of the Norths economy?

You need to answer this question question because we don’t do homework. You have the list that describes the economy.

Who was norths general during civil war?

Mary-Joe-anna or Jo-mama

What was the norths weakness during fort Sumter?

The north had less of weppons, and hey were not prepared for the battle!

When was Norths Devils created?

Norths Devils was created in 1927.

What was norths goals during the civil war?

to free all slaves from slavry in the south