

Best Answer

they r the moon sun and mother nature

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Q: What were the zunis Indians religious beliefs?
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Who are the zunis and where can they be found?

Zunis are an Indian tribe in the Southwest who are very sacred people. Zunis live in the United States in New Mexico.

When was O Zeta Zunis created?

O Zeta Zunis was created in 2010.

What was Woodland Indians religious beliefs?

Well for starters they were pagan. which is the belief in nature spirits. they had no ceremonial things as far as i know

In the Pearl the Indians think of God as the gods What does this indicate of their religious belief?

It reveals that there is a mixture between Catholicism and their ancient beliefs.

What are the customs and religious beliefs of the Penobscot Indians?

The Penobscot Indians believed that Gluskabe created human beings. The French brought the spread the Christian religion later. They were culturally sensitive.

What was the Plains traditions and religious beliefs?

The Plains Indians believed in many gods. They also believed that all animals were ruled by underwater spirits.

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the religious beliefs held by the Shang