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St. Augustine's most well known work is the "Confessions"written in 410 A.D.

This work alone influenced many people around the world even to this day. The auto-biographical writing style can be attributed to Augustine.

Other major works include: On Christian Doctrine, and City of God.

Augustine, known as a Latin Church Father, is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity.

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Q: What were the works written by Saint Augustine of Hippo?
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The 'Confessions of Saint Augustine' was written by Saint Augustine of Hippo, a Christian theologian and philosopher in the 4th century. It is considered one of the most important works in Western literature.

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Augustine of Hippo was a Roman African theologian and philosopher in the late Roman Empire. He is known for his influential works, including "Confessions" and "City of God." Augustine converted to Christianity and became a bishop in Hippo Regius, present-day Annaba, Algeria. He played a significant role in the development of Christian theology. Augustine's writings emphasized the importance of divine grace in salvation. He is considered one of the most important figures in the Western Christian tradition. Augustine's ideas on original sin and free will have had a lasting impact on Christian thought. He is commemorated as a saint in various Christian traditions. Augustine's intellectual legacy continues to shape theological discussions and debates. His works remain widely studied and influential in Christian philosophy and theology.

What did Augustine of Hippo do?

Augustine of Hippo was a theologian and philosopher who played a significant role in shaping Christian doctrine and Western philosophy. He wrote several influential works, including "Confessions" and "The City of God," which continue to be studied and discussed today. Augustine also served as the Bishop of Hippo, where he addressed theological controversies and promoted Christian unity.

Name two important works written by the African Bishop Saint Augustine?

St. Augustine's two most famous writings are Confessions, and The City of God. He also wrote 113 books and treatises and hundreds of letters and sermons.

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Saint Augustine contributed to the Church through his theological writings and teachings, which have had a lasting influence on Christian doctrine. He developed key concepts such as original sin, the nature of God, and the relationship between faith and reason. Augustine's works, such as "Confessions" and "City of God," continue to be studied by theologians and scholars today.

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There is no widely-known author named Elma Whittaker Augustine. It is possible that this author is not well-known or that their works are not widely published.

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Augustine Upcote has written: 'Upcote, 1615' -- subject(s): Almanacs, English, Astrology, Early works to 1800, English Almanacs, Ephemerides