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in ww1 women were called canaries because of the yellow faces they got from the tnt in the factories

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Q: What were the women that worked in factories and defense plants called?
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What groups of people worked in factories during the second industrial revolution?

just about everyone was hired in the factories. kids even worked in the factories. they got hurt a lot with all the accidents with the machines

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Most american's lived in cabins and they worked in factories or were farmers.

Was there a special name for women working during World War 2?

Rosie the Riveter was what women who worked in factories were called.

How worked in the factories?

u moms head

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They worked at factories.

What did women worked in?

When women started to work they worked in factories. They worked long hours for little pay.

Did men and women work in factories in the 1900s?

Yes men and women worked in factories

What jobs did kids have in chicago in the 1900s?

Worked in factories

What kind of factories did 1915 immigrants have?

if you mean worked in, match factories were very common and VERY dangerous

Who were the apprentices in the factories in the Industrial Revolution?

children who were orphans who worked just for the factories food shelter and clothes.