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He attempted to micro manage the war to such a point that he became obsesed with almost every wartime deceision from troop movement to target selection and ship movement.

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Q: What were the war policies of President Johnson during Vietnam?
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Who was president during Vietnam?

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US president during Vietnam?

Presidents Johnson and Nixon

What was the main president during Vietnam war?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Who was the US President during the Vietnam War in 1968?

Lyndon Johnson.

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Johnson & Nixon.

Was there a war when Lyndon Johnson was president?

Vietnam war was fought during Johnson's term.

Who was President of the USA during the Vietnam War?

The president of the USA for a major time of the Vietnam War was Lyndon Johnson.

Was Johnson president during the Vietnam War?

Lyndon Johnson was the President of the US during the Vietnam War from the assassination of John Kennedy until the election of Richard Nixon.

What president was a Democrat?

During the Vietnam War, Presidents Kennedy and then Johnson were democrats.

Who were presidents during Vietnam?

US President's Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford.

During the Vietnam war president Johnson was interested in?

His "Great Society." That was the term used.