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Q: What were the underlying principles of Hammurabi's code of laws and what does the law code tell us about the kind of society that existed in Mesopotamia at the time?
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What are the three ancient civilization in mesopotamia?

Civilizations that existed in ancient Mesopotamia include: Summer, Babylon, Assur.

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What ancient civilization existed in Mesopotamia?

First the Sumerian, them the Babylonian.

What types of economic activity existed in mesopotamia?

nothing :P

Which empire existed before Babylonian empire in Mesopotamia?

I don not know the answer (CDFA)

Where did people in Mesopotamia live before city states existed?

In small villages

Which empire existed before the Babylonian Empire in Mesopotamia?

I don not know the answer (CDFA)

What 3 civilizations developed on Tigris and Euphrates river?

There was only one civilization that existed on the Tigris and Euphrates River. That civilization was Mesopotamia. There were three other civilizations that existed in other areas. These civilizations were the Egyptians, the Longshan, and the Harappa.

In which region was the Tower of Babel?

Assuming it actually existed, it would have been in the area of Babylon in Mesopotamia.

What is cradle of civilization in mesopotamia?

The term is often used to refer to Mesopotamia, in what is now Iraq. However, contemporaneous civilizations existed in Egypt and in the Levant (Mediterranean Middle East), and in the Indus Valley of southern Asia.

Where did Mesopotamia exist?

Mesopotamia existed in "The Fertile Crescent." Now consisting of Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, and the Northwest corner of Egypt, between the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea.