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Q: What were the underlying causes of the witch hunts in 1692?
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Do you mean 1692?

Are the Salem witch trials revolutionary?

No, they were just the lastest in the long string of witch hunts in the Christian world over the centuries prior to 1692. In fact, it was one of the smallest.

What was the name of the witch trials of 1692?

The Salem witch trials happened in 1692.

Which cultural group held the Salem Witch Trails in 1692?

The Puritans held the Salem Witch Trails in 1692.

What year did the Salem witch trials take place?

The Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692.

What happened in 1692 in America?

The major issue in 1692 was the Salem Witch Trials.

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Date of the Salem witch trials?

The legal proceedings in the Salem witch panic last from March 1, 1692 to October 8, 1692. The actual trials began on June 2, 1692 and ended October 8.

When did the Salem witch trials take place?

The Salem Witch Trials take place on March 11, 1692 and on March 21, 1692

When did Salem witch trial take place?

The Salem Witch Trials take place on March 11, 1692 and on March 21, 1692

When did witch trials start?

started in 1692

What year where the Salem witch trials?