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Michael Podchlebnik and Szymon Srebrnik were the two survivors from Chelmno.

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Q: What were the two survivors names in the first extermination camp?
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Related questions

What events took place in chelmno during the Holocaust?

Chelmno was an extermination camp. There are only two known survivors.

Where was the first extermination camp located?

The first extermination camp was at Chelmno. It began large-scale routine (as opposed to experimental) gassings on 8 December 1941, using sealed vans with the carbon monoxide exhaust diverted into the vans. The total death toll at Chelmno is estimated at about 152,000-153,000 and there are only two (!) known survivors.____Concentration camps, originally established for political prrisoners, had been established already in March 1933. Dachau, near Munich, was the first concentration camp. It had a high death toll but it was not an extermination camp.

What nazi extermination camp did a successful prisoner uprise?

Treblinka extermination camp

When did Belzec extermination camp end?

Belzec extermination camp ended in 1942.

When did Treblinka extermination camp end?

Treblinka extermination camp ended in 1943.

When was Chełmno extermination camp created?

Chełmno extermination camp was created in 1941.

When was Belzec extermination camp created?

Belzec extermination camp was created in 1942.

When was Treblinka extermination camp created?

Treblinka extermination camp was created in 1942.

When was Sobibor extermination camp created?

Sobibor extermination camp was created in 1943.

When did Chełmno extermination camp end?

Chełmno extermination camp ended in 1943.

What type of camp was Auschwitz?

Auschwitz I was the original Auschwitz camp, set up in May 1940, mainly for Polish political prisoners and the Polish elites. It also housed the main administrative offices for the whole complex of camps as well as the blocks where medical experiments were carried out, and execution chambers.

What was the most notorious death camp?

The most notorious of all was Auschwitz. It was both an extermination camp and a vast complex of concentration camps. By comparison with camps that were only extermination camps (such as Treblinka) it had more survivors. Some of them appeared as witnesses in trials after the war and some wrote their memoirs. On the hand camps with almost no survivors, like Chelmno, are much less well known. Please see the related question for more detail.