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Q: What were the two people's names that shaped the french and Indian war?
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What are the names of France's wars?

they are the french and Indian wars

Who named the great lakes?

When the French explores and traders entered the Great Lakes region in the 1600s, American Indian Nations already had given names to the lakes the lives along. As reports and crude maps went back to Europe, these Indian names were combined with names the French thought more appropriate.

What is a good french character's last name?

parkalie parkalie, nadiline waz up peoples i think these r good french names!! awesome people have awesome personalities!!

Why do some cities in the middle west region of the US have french names?

There are a number of mid western cities that have French names. Some of these include Saint Louis, Decatur, as well as Detroit. They have these French names because they were originally established as French trading posts in the former French colony of Louisiana. After the Seven Years War (known in North America as the French and Indian War), France lost the territory of Louisiana, but the cities retained their original names.

What parties were involved in French and Indian War?

The French and Indian War was actually not fought between the French and Indiand, as its name elludes. The other common name for it, the Seven Years' War is also a disillusionment; it was fought for around ten years. This war pitted the French and Native Americans against the British and American colonists. The British ended up winning, giving them much of North America, including Canada.

Meaning of name nidhi in french language?

In French, the name "Nidhi" does not have a direct translation, as it is a name of Indian origin. However, similar-sounding French names could be "Nadia" or "Nathalie."

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What is the connections in the names Arkansas and Kansas?

Both names come from American Indian languages and were given to the areas by the French settlers. Although they both contain "kansas" there is no obvious link. Kansas comes from the Sioux Indian word for "south wind people." The name Arkansas is the French interpretation of a Sioux word: acansa, meaning "downstream place."

What are names of famous peoples names start with a s?

Sabrina Moore

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Do you need capitals for names in French?

In French you use capitals for peoples' names, as in English. monsieur Dupont > mister Dupont You dont need to capitalize the name of the days of the week, or the months of the year, nationalities, languages or religions. samedi > Saturday décembre > December américain, anglais, français > American, English, French catholique, musulman > Catholic, Muslim

What are some Shoshone Indian names?

Some Shoshoni Indian names are Sacagewea and Naya Nuki.