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Roman Catholic AnswerThere were numerous complaints about the Church, although truth be told, I do not think that the "complaints", as it were, were sufficient to touch off a reformation. I think that the world had gone away from the Church to a greater extent than ever before in history. Most especially, I believe that the rulers of the time were more concerned with their own temporal power than they were with their eternal salvation, and they certainly were not concerned with their people's salvation at all. The reformation in England was a prime example of this. Almost any serious study of the period leading up to the protestant revolt will concentrate on the political aspects. Nevertheless, there were very real problems within the Church itself, and these are the things which are most publicized by protestants and atheists today.

from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957

The Protestant Reformation: the revolt from the Catholic Church in Western Europe begun and carried to its height in the 16th century. It differed from all previous heretical movements in that it was not concerned with one or a few definite points of doctrine but was directed against the whole complex and system of Christianity as then understood; it gave licence to the human self in the spiritual and religious order. Its principal causes were: the excessive temporal power, wealth and privilege which accrued to the higher clergy, the wicked, worldly and careless lives of many of the clergy, secular and regular, and the decay of philosophy and theology (these resulted partly from the Renaissance) with consequent low standard of spiritual life among the people generally; the weakening of the authority of the Holy See, following the Great Schism, increased by the humanistic corruption of the papal court; the parallel insurgence of secular princes. Its principal motives were: desire for the purity of religion and godliness of life which, from the state of the clergy, precipitated a violent and unreasoning anti-clericalism which degenerated into contempt for all spiritual authority; the national ambitions of secular princes which flourished in the break-up of the Catholic integrity of Europe; an appetite for spoil and, as in England, fear of having to give up looted ecclesiastical wealth; in some, a hatred of the Church and Faith which can be attributed only to the direct working of the Devil. The principal results of the Reformation were: the true reform of the Church "in head and members" effected by the Council of Trent and the revivification of Catholicism so thoroughly achieved that it remains vital to this day (The Counter-reformation); the putting of countless souls, notably in Great Britain, Scandinavia and the German parts of the Empire, in enmity to the Church and consequently outside those means provided by Christ for man to know and attain to God; the disappearance of any "higher unity" holding together the diverse peoples and nations of Europe, the inoculation of men with naturalistic and humanitarian (as opposed to theocentric) philosophy which is now the chiefest enemy of Christianity.

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The two major problems with the Catholic Church during the "reformation" were Martin Luther and King Henry VIII. The Church was unable to bring either man back to sanity, along with some other characters of the "reformation" known in Catholic history as the protestant revolt. Probably one of the most disastrous and long-lived heresies that the Church has had to deal with since Arianism.


from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980 Reformation. A religious, social, and political upheaval (1517-1648) that divided Western Christendom and created world Protestantism. Its causes were manifold; weakening of papal authority through long residence in France and the worldliness of some popes; disloyalty to Rome of many bishops who were really temporal rulers; excessive reservation of ecclesiastical appointments to the Roman Curia; intellectual and moral unfitness of many priests; wealth of some of the monasteries and dissension in their ranks; superstition and ignorance among the laity; social unrest brought on by the disintegration of the feudal system; support given by political power to dissenters in the Church; unrest and secularism brought on by the new geographical discoveries; and the use of the printing press to propagate the new views. The effects of the Reformation have been far-reaching: Christian unity was shattered, personal liberty in religion affected every sphere of human activity, with the rise of the modern secular state, of capitalism as rugged individualism, and with the loss of the cultural solidarity, founded on a common faith, that had shaped Western civilization for almost a millennium.

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8y ago

When we think of the Reformation, we tend to think of Martin Luther and his objection to the sale of indulgences. Perhaps then we think of King Henry VIII and his problems of succession. However, these people were only symptoms of the underlying problems in the Catholic Church.

As stated in the Modern Catholic Dictionary, the worldliness of some popes, along with the weakening of papal authority, the moral unfitness of some priests and the unseemly wealth of some monasteries were all problems the Church had to face up to.

The German states and England were not the only nations to undergo a Reformation. Vivian Green (A New History of Christianity) says that the Catholic Church in France and Scotland were characterised by many abuses. He cites the corruption of morals and profane obscenity of life in churchmen of almost all ranks as one problem, and an ignorance of literature and all the liberal arts as another.

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"tickets" to heaven, and relics

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Q: What were the two main complaints that the Protestants had about the Catholic Church?
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What reforms did the Catholic church make?

There were a few things that the catholic church reformed. One of the main things they did were created new religious orders.

What are 3 religious backgrounds of the colonies?

Although there were many different denominations that would form over the period of time. The main religious backgrounds that were established, but caused others to leave them included: The Roman Catholic Church The Church of England Independent (this would include the Protestants, Quakers, Jews, and others)

Martin Luther wrote his official challenge to church after what?

Luther never did challenge the church, his goal was to help reform the church, not to destroy it. His complaints were called the 95 Thesis and covered a wide variety of topics. His main complaints were that the catholic church was corrupt and that the church was selling indlugences. Indulgences were a piece of paper that guarenteed you to get into heaven, or a family member that had already died to get in heaven, as well as forgiveness for sins and so on... Luther's intentions were not to cause a split, but to fix the church's problems. However the corruption was really high-up, and so it was a big scandal which hurt Christianity forever.

What were the main contributions from the Middle Ages to Christianity?

Corruption, abuse and ineptitude. These factors led to the Reformation which resulted in a split in the Catholic Church between Catholics and Protestants. This directly led to the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) during which millions died.

What is the main religion in Wales?

The Presbyterian Church of Wales is the largest denomination, followed by The Church in Wales ( Anglican), with the Catholic Church the third largest.

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What document outlines the main complaints against. the Catholic church in 1518?

95 thesis

What document outlined the main complaints against the Catholic Church in 1518?

95 thesis

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The main reason the Protestant religion was formed was because people were tired of the Catholic church's overbearing laws. A group eventually protested and broke away from the church forming the Protestant church.

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The main break in the Western Church was between the Catholics and the Protestants.

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The Catholic Church is under the direction of a pope. Protestants are not. Catholics believe the Eucharist to be the actual body and blood of Christ, as opposed to being a symbol. There are other differences, but these are the main ones.

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In terms of religion, it is the Catholic Church. In terms of a building Saint Patrick's Catholic Cathedral in Armagh would be the main church.

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Roman catholics and church of England protestants.

What was the main Christian church in Europe in 1500?

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Who were Protestants?

Protestants are pretty much any Christian denomination other than the Catholics. However some assume that they are mostly members of the Church of England, ie. the Anglicans. In general terms, it is the denominations that have developed from the split with the Catholic Church which began with the Reformation. Some of the main ones are the Lutherans, Reformed churches, Methodists, Anglican, and Presbyterian amongst others.

What document outlines the main complaints against the Catholic Church in 1518?

In 1517, Martin Luther protested what he thought were abuses in indulgences to his Bishop. He was wildly mistaken in many of his theses, and others were actually Catholic dogma. He did not, however, protest the "Catholic Church" until later in his life, when he really got further and further from reality.

What was john wycliffes main complaints about the church?

John Wycliffe's main complaints about the church were its wealth and corruption, the proliferation of indulgences and the selling of church offices, as well as the lack of emphasis on the Bible as the ultimate authority over church teachings and practices. He advocated for church reform and translating the Bible into English so that everyone could read and interpret it.