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What were the three main reasons for expansionism?

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Q: What were the three disadvantages of expansion for the US in the 1800's?
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What effect did transportation advancements of the early 1800s have on the expansion of the US?

Transportation advancements facilitated westward expansion but failed to cross major waterways.

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Environmental pollution began to emerge as a significant problem in the US around the mid-20th century, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s. This period marked a heightened awareness of the negative impacts of pollution on human health and the environment, leading to the establishment of environmental protection laws and agencies such as the EPA.

In what ways did US expansion in the 1800s and early 1900s resemble European expansion?

people were similar in ways that both motivated by similar things such as mix of desire to get new markets.

Where was the focus of US expansion before the late 1800s?

Americans had always sought to expand the size of their nation, before the late 1800s they extended their control toward the pacific coast.Before the U.S. expansion they focused on economic interests , military interests, and belief in cultural superiority

What was an aspect of .us. economic expansion during the 1800s?

Industrial revolution , Immigration , westward expansion , progressive movement, Imperialism

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The Native Americans were considered a foreign nation to the United States and the US Army fought them in the last quarter of the 1800s in order to use their lands for westward expansion.

Why did the US shift form policy of isolation to a policy of expansion in the late 1800s?

so they can trade more and get more policy power

What Three technological innovations led to the expansion and development of the US?

assembly lines, transcontinental railroads, and steam tractors

How did the US during the 1800s?

By Immigration.

What us colleges are there in the 1800s?

whats the answer

What was the US in the 1800s?

Horse and buggy. :)

Did John Adams create expansion in the us?

No. John Adams was not important in creating expansion in the US.