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The easiest answer is Mussolini's mistake was allying with Germany and Japan, or getting involved in the war at all; though this could be seen as slightly revisionist and idealistic (it's very unlikely Italy could've remained neutral throughout, due to its shared border with German occupied land and African colonies close to british strongholds). Mussolini's tactical mistakes include not authorizing the use of gas warfare against British forces in Egypt - as the outmoded and poorly trained Italian military could not have reasonably hoped to defeat the British in conventional warfare despite a size advantage; as well as the faith placed in several poorly qualified commanders with questionable loyalties such as Messe, Badoglio and De Bono. Another key mistake is engaging allied forces on multiple fronts, particularly the ill-advised Italian War in the Soviet Union.

Perhaps the key mistake of Italy was the same as Germany: assuming Japan would declare war on the Soviet Union if they declared war on the USA after Japan. The Tripartite Pact did not bind Germany or Italy to follow Japan to war with the United States.

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15y ago

The most well known succes is that the trains started to arrive on-time. Mussolini had some limited succes in fighting unenployment and inflation (as Hitler did). He also promoted a very limited land redistribution program and inflicted some havy seatbacks to organized crime (i.e. Mafia).

Of course, this benefits were highly offset by the lost of civil rights, ethnical persecution and the disastrous war to wich he dragged his country.

Regards from Brazil,


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12y ago

He got his penis chopped off before he was hung from the town square by Italian Partisans along with his mistress.

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He suck (.Y.)

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he was born.

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