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The major weakness was the size of the fleet, in comparison to the size of the Spanish, it was considered about half as big. though they also had some advantages because the English ships were really light and fast

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Q: What were the strengths and weaknesses of the spanish armada plan?
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Spanish armada - was the Spanish's plan a good one?


What happened to the spanish armada when it reached the English channel?

when king Philip sent the Spanish armada to England there ships were destroyed and they were defeated this was because Philip's plan was not well thought out because he thought it would be best to stay in a tight formation, and when they tried to attack the English there ships crashed together.

Why might the results of the battle of the spanish Armada increase enthusiasm for English Colonization?

The results of the battle of the Spanish Armada in 1588 might have increased enthusiasm for English colonization because of the dangers that still faced England (or, Great Britain) after the battle was won. Despite the defeat of the Spanish, there were continued hostilities, and the Spanish would continue to plan movements against the English homeland even to the point of inciting religious-based unrest. For some, escape to the New World could easily have seemed a desirable alternative to remaining in harm's way.

What was Philip II's plan for the spanish armada?

Philip's plan to anchor off Calais ,because it is close to England in stead of going all the way around Spain to France and then to England they just went from France to England PS i got this of my history teacher so it must be right

Why did the armada fail?

1. luck- when the armada were on their way back, the wind was wrong so they had to go all around Britain. they lost a lot of ships. 2. bad leadership- the proper leader died, and they found a new one, who was good onland, but suffered from sea sickness! 3. the English ships were more manoeuvrable, and faster. 4. the English had better cannons. they could fire every 10 mins, but the spanish ones took 1 hour.

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Spanish armada - was the Spanish's plan a good one?


What was the plan of the spanish armada?

Invade England.

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Well, there are lots of ways for reviewing ones personal strengths and weaknesses but the most widely used approach is PDSA and SWOT analysis. PDSA stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act which is a cyclic process and is used to regularly review ones strengths, weaknesses and review ones planning in daily life.

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A SWOT analysis is simple method of analysing a business when writing a business plan. It stands for: -Strengths -Weaknesses -Opportunities -Threats

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A SWOT analysis is a useful way of summarising the current position of a business by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is usually presented in a grid. A SWOT can help generate the objectives element of a marketing plan A swot analysis details the company's strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats that will be used in determining the best marketing strategies to be employed by the enterprise.

Why did the Spanish fail in the Spanish armada?

because sir francis drake had a plan to set thier ships on fire by sending there ship on fire so they retreated out of 122 only 62 returned

What happened to the spanish armada when it reached the English channel?

when king Philip sent the Spanish armada to England there ships were destroyed and they were defeated this was because Philip's plan was not well thought out because he thought it would be best to stay in a tight formation, and when they tried to attack the English there ships crashed together.

How long did it take to plan the Spanish Armada?

Although some preliminary plans had been made after England's entrance into the Netherlands conflict (Treaty of Nonsuch, 1585), the Armada was assembled in mid-1587 and sailed in 1588. The conflict continued as part of a wider, undeclared Anglo-Spanish War, until around 1604.