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the settlements of the friars were called missions

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Q: What were the settlements of the friars called and how did the differ from other settlements?
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Well... In a fryer you can find chicken, shrimp and potato sticks they'll call french fries later. No, seriously. you misspelled the word. You probably meant a "friary". A friary is a monastery in which friars live. they are basically Roman Catholic monks belonging to mendicant congregations, such as the Franciscans, Dominicans, or Carmelite friars. "Mendicants" mean they subsist by "mendicity", begging, accepting donations or "alms" because they refuse all material ownership. Friars and monks differ, however. Friars live the evangelical counsels (vows of poverty, chastity and obedience) in service to a community, and friaries are open and friars cover extense areas providing community service.. Monks, on the other hand, seclude themselves in isolation, silence, and spend their hours in devotion and contemplation, as well as in self-sufficient sometimes very successful cloisters Those definitions above are certainly over-simplifications, but they'll give you some idea.

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Why was the friar called a limiter in The Canterbury Tales?

The friar was called a limiter in The Canterbury Tales because he had the authority to grant licenses to beg within a specific geographic area, known as a "limit." This allowed him to regulate the begging activities of other friars and maintain control over their activities.

Where did friars live?

Catholic AnswerA friar typically lives in a Friary, this applies to Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinians, and Servites. Monasteries are were the monastic orders reside: Benedictines, and Cistericans. Follow-up answer: The question is posed as if Friars are a thing of the past... like Friar Tuck in the story of Robin Hood. Friars are alive and well throughout the world. They differ from monks in that monks tend to be cloistered in a monastery, serving the world through prayer. Friars, on the other hand, live in Friaries, and serve the world by working out in it... serving the poor, working in hospitals, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, nursing homes, and a wide variety of other pursuits.Monks usually commit to one community location... one monatstery, for life; and end-up buried, after death, in the monastery's cemetery, out back. Friars, on the other hand, commit to community, but most Friar communities have multiple locations; and so a Friar may live in one Friary for a while, then move to another within the same community, and so on. Friars, too, end-up, after death, buried in the community cemetery, which may be centralized at just one of the community locations, or each location may have its own cemetery... it all just depends on the community.Depending on the community, it's also possible for Friars to live separate from their communities, when on some kind of special assignment; or if they're not avowed and maintain secular jobs. Again, it depends on the community, and its rules.They live in a friary, a monastery, a church rectory, or another type of church residence.

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