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War on the Western Front was characterized by trench warfare and attrition tactics. This caused a great stalemate until chemical weapons and artillery were introduced. The Central Powers had the upper hand until the entry of the US.

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14y ago

The British/French and the Germans opposing them became so exhasted fighting each other that they started digging in. Trenches, foxholes, and tunnels were dug by both sides. Once the armies were in their trenches, there was little initiative by the soldiers or their commanders to recommence active fighting. They lobbed shells at each other, and fired a few rifle shots each day, but took no real offensive action. This action was, well, in the west part of the conflict (the east involving the Russians.) Press reporters started referring to this area of stalemate as the 'Western Front'.

Not until the Americans arrived, led by Blackjack Pershing, did a real offensive plan take place on the Western Front.

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