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Q: What were the results of trading among different regions?
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What are names for trading among different countries?

International trading.

Which usually results from these conditions?

trade between regionscompetition between regionsdemand increases in regionsregulation among regions

How did trading help exploration?

Trading helped exploration by creating a need for new trade routes to acquire valuable goods from distant regions. This demand for exotic goods prompted explorers to venture into unknown territories in search of new trade opportunities, leading to new discoveries and the expansion of geographical knowledge. Additionally, trading facilitated cultural exchange and communication between different regions, promoting further exploration and collaboration among nations.

Why do you think there is such a wide diversity among the different regions of China?

There are many climates and China is large.

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distances among islands affect the trading industry in the Philippines?

Why do distances among islands affect the trading industry Philippines?

distances among islands affect the trading industry in the Philippines?

Mutual aid and vote trading among legislators is known as?

Mutual aid and vote trading among legislators is known as logrolling.

What is the word for trading among states?

Trade among the states is known as interstate commerce.

What are two details about the division among the nations regions?

The two details about the division among the nations' regions included directional divisions and historical divisions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of federalism in the Philippines?

Advantages of federalism in the Philippines include better representation of diverse regions, increased autonomy for local governments, and potential for economic development in different regions. Disadvantages may include potential for power struggles between national and regional governments, risk of unequal development among regions, and challenges in coordinating policies and services across different regions.

What is the divorce rate among gypsies?

There is limited data on the divorce rate among gypsies as it can vary widely among different communities and regions. Factors such as cultural norms, religious beliefs, and social dynamics can influence divorce rates within gypsy populations.

Result of Grade 6 national achievement test 2010 in the Philippines?

The Grade 6 National Achievement Test (NAT) in the Philippines for 2010 showed variations in scores across regions. The overall results indicated strengths and weaknesses in different subject areas among students at that grade level. The Department of Education used these results to identify areas for improvement in the education system.