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ruled by the same king

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Q: What were the relations between Spain and Portugal in the 1400s?
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Who mediated talks between Spain and Portugal in the late 1400s?

It was Pope Alexander VI.

Which European countries were important in exploration in the 1400s and 1500's?

Spain, Portugal, and Italy

The 4 nations that sent explorers in the 1400s and 1500s?

Holland, Portugal, France and Spain

What country in the 1400s made Spain and Portugal jealous?

this is a hard one i would say germany

What were the major nations of Europe by the late 1400s?

By the late 1400s, four major nations were taking shape in Western Europe: Spain, Portugal, France and England

Is Spain on the east of Portugal or west of Portugal?

Portugal is west of Spain, between Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.

What were the four major nations of Europe by the late 1400s?

By the late 1400s, four major nations were taking shape in Western Europe: Spain, Portugal, France and England

Which European nation were at war during the 1300s and 1400s?

McDonalds & Wendys

What is between Portugal and France?


Which European countries sent explorers to find a sea route to Asia in 1400s?

France, England, Spain, and Portugal Hope that helps

Is Andorra between Spain and Portugal?

No, Andorra is between Spain and France.

In a war between Spain and Portugal who would win?

Portugal would send spain to the moon