Carrying a log(All day), being hung by your thumbs, sitting an a wooden horse (a log), buck and gag(For 24 hours) and many others. :D :D :D :D (You can thank Mr.Shaw for the information) Carrying a log(All day), being hung by your thumbs, sitting an a wooden horse (a log), buck and gag(For 24 hours) and many others. :D :D :D :D (You can thank Mr.Shaw for the information)
According to "The Civil War--Book of Lists" by Donald Cartmell, there were several forms of punishment for different crimes committed by soldiers...
Offenses such as drunkenness, talking back to an officer, not saluting a superior, missing a roll call, not standing on guard duty, and gambling resulted in being sent to the regimental guard.
Leaving camp resulted in bucking and gagging.
Being absent without leave resulted in being forced to mount a wooden horse. (Odd)
Petty thievery resulted in time in a "sweat box".
Self mutilation resulted in hard labor in prison.
Striking an officer resulted in solitary confinement.
Cowardice in battle resulted in the soldier being stripped of his uniform, his head shaven, his body tattooed with a "D" from a hot iron, and then received a dishonorable discharge without pay.
Desertion resulted in branding, drummed out of camp, tattooed, and being executed by hanging.
---It's also interesting to note that punishments were set by commanding officers and not by military regulations.
(The book wasn't too specific as to which punishments applied to what side.)
Canada was British territory & remained neutral during the Civil War
Lincoln was shot after the civil war
No, Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War.
During the Civil War, the Confederacy had approximately 750,000 soldiers.
During the Civil war in 1861 to 1865
During the Civil War, Congress wanted strict punishments for the Southern states.
The plans of the Radical Republicans in Congress during the Civil War was to abolish slavery. They wanted to deal our harsh punishments to slave owners throughout the South for their part in slavery.
We need to know which war to answer.
they were two generals during the civil war
Abraham Lincoln was the president during the civil war.
Abraham Lincoln was President during the US Civil War.
led the country during the civil war
What happened during the Liberia civil war?
Kansas remained in the Union during the Civil War.
They were called Rebels during the Civil War
They were called Rebels during the Civil War
what was the civil war like