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If you are talking about the white english inahbitants of the North American colonies, they had it pretty good. In general, they were txed less, had more autonomy and independent control over their regions, and were pretty much allowed to do whatever they want as long as they paid the (miniscule) taxes to the Crown. Compared to the inhabitants of the motherland, they probably had the best possible life. And, not only were they free from control and economic oppression, they also had their own important cultural centers and citites, unlike in other european colonies. The only thing that was negative about the colonies (for whites) was their reliance on indentured servitude. This was before slavery was officially connected to race or skin color. In the indentured servitude system, white immigrants of Europe essentially sold themselves as slaves in order to pay passage. Their contract could last up to several decades and their conditions were almost identical to that of pre-civil war slaves.

Other than that, white colonials were probably among the most fortunate in the English empire. But that didn't stop them from protesting when the crown raised taxes to pay for a world war they started when they invaded french and indian territory because they were so greedy and in wanting for land.

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Q: What were the positive and negative aspects of the colonzation on the colonial subjects?
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