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Q: What were the portuguese influence and activities in the mutapa state?
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Why did the mutapa state decline?

The Mutapa State declined due to a combination of factors, including internal power struggles, external attacks by the Portuguese, and the impact of the slave trade. This weakened the state's central authority and disrupted trade networks, leading to its eventual collapse.

Who was nyatsimba mutota?

ruler of the mutapa state

Who was the founder of mutapa state?

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The Treaty of Tordesillas split South America between Spain and Portugal Portuguese influence led to the modern state of?


What was the origin of the Mutapa state?

the mutapa state was founded around 1400AD by a ruling clan under the leadership of Nyatsimba Mutota.It is believed that the later had migrated with a large military force from great zimbabwe in search of salt.They built a paramount he kept intact until death.His capital was at Chitakochanyanya near uteve river.

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Portuguese Goa State was created in 1510.

When did Portuguese Goa State end?

Portuguese Goa State ended in 1961.

What are the aspect of social life in the mutapa state?

In the Mutapa state, social life revolved around a hierarchical structure with the ruler at the top followed by the nobility and then commoners. Marriage alliances were important for political and social connections. Religious practices were also significant, including the veneration of ancestral spirits and belief in supernatural powers. Trade with neighboring groups influenced social interactions and cultural exchange.

What major religions are in Zimbabwe in the middle ages?

The primary religion of Zimbabwe during the Middle Ages (and its successor state, the Kingdom of Mutapa) was a native faith referred to today as the "Cult of Mwari".

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