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Most dead pharaohs were placed in tombs which were then sealed. There is very little evidence that they were buried in pyramids (which is a common miss-belief).

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yes. its called a pack

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Q: What were the places where Egyptians put their Pharaohs after they died?
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What did the Egyptians put the pharaohs bodies?


Why did they put pharaohs into tombs?

Egyptians put pharaohs in tombs for the purpose of sending them into the afterlife with a lot of their property.

How were Egyptians pharaohs' bodies prepared for the afterlife?

Th Pharaohs were embalmed and their mummies were put in sarcophagi.

What did the did the Egyptians put in the pyramids?

Mummies, jewelry and all of the pharaohs belongings.

Why did Egyptians put pharaohs in pyramids?

The Egyptians put pharaohs in pyramids to protect the pharaohs body. They believed that the body had to be preserved for the afterlife because they would be using it again.

Why mummification was used by the ancient Egyptians?

To store and preserve pharaohs when they die, they always put each one of the pharaohs in a certain pyramid

How do Egyptians make tombs?

To put the pharaohs In also so they can preserve their and the pharaohs body (mummification )

Why was so much effort put into building pyramids for pharaohs?

The Egyptians thought of the Pharaoh as a god.

What was put in the pyramids with the pharaohs?

It was said that after a pharaoh died they would put food & other necessities for the pharaohs afterlife...Twitter: @TheBrianWooding

Why did Egyptians mummify bodies?

The Egyptians believed in an afterlife in a different world, but one similar in many respects. They felt that the body must be preserved for an afterlife to occur. The Egyptians mummified all bodies because they wanted all Egyptians to have a happy afterlife or life after death. Most people think that they only mummified the pharaohs but that is not the case. They just left better presents than for the non-pharaohs or peasants. They also put only the Pharaohs in elaborate tombs such as the Pyramids. They put non-pharaohs or peasants in regular casket-like containers.

Why were pharaohs put in tombs with variables?

They were buried in tombs with variables because Egyptians belived that after pharohs and Egyptians in the upper section of the social pyramid died, they would proceed into the underworld. If they were good, or worthy Egyptians, then they would have them selves and all their possecions such as jewlry and pets get wrapped into 'mummies' and proceed into the underworld.

Who was the first god or goddess to be put in a pyramid?

Pharaohs, or kings of Egypt, were put in pyramids (Egyptians considered their pharaohs to be gods). The Pyramid of Djoser (2630--2612 BC) was the first major pyramid constructed in Egypt.