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Q: What were the people called who removed the pharaohs organs?
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Which ancient people called their kings 'pharaohs'?

The Eqyptians

When pharaohs were mummified what was took out?

All Organs were removed and put into special jars, the brain however was removed through the nose using a long hook tool and discarded as it was seen as useless. Also fun fact, the people who performed the mummification were killed shortly after its completion due to cutting open a body being considered vile.... What a job!

What spirits of the ancient Egyptians lived in there bodies after death?

The bodies of pharaohs. after they die they go into the afterlife. people put things that the pharaohs might need in the afterlife. their organs are put in the correct jars so that they go to the correct gods. hope i helped.

Why did pharaohs become pharaohs?

Egypt needed people to rule them.

Why were Egyptian pharaohs worshiped?

The people believed that the pharaohs were descendants of gods.

What was a pharaohs duty?

A Pharaohs duty was to serve his people, to protect them and do his best.

Which organs were removed and what did they do with them?

The organs removed during an autopsy would typically include the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, among others. These organs are examined to determine the cause of death and assess any abnormalities. After examination, the organs are usually preserved in formaldehyde for further testing.

What do Pharaohs have to do with democracy?

Nothing. Pharaohs were theocratic rulers and did not submit to the will of the people, which is required in democracies.

Who were the people that were mummified?

Pharaohs and noble

In what way were the organs of an Egyptian removed when they were mummified?

Well, first off people called "Embalmers" would make a slit in the left side of their body with a knife. Then they would carfully cut out and remove the — Liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines.

Who wrap mummy?

the people wrap up mummies are not really called anything in particular, the pharaohs and the Egyptians probably call them wrappers.

Did pharaohs make there own tools?

No, people did this for them.