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WHile the obvious answer is Sumerians the country was conquered and over taken several times so the conquerors, such as the Akkadians, would be the inhabitants. Presently the inhabitants ar Iraqis.

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Q: What were the people called that lived in sumer?
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The people who lived in Sumer were called?


What are the names of the people who lived in Sumer?

They were called Sumerians.

Is Sumerian and Sumer the same thing?

Sumer is the region of which Sumerians lived in Ancient Mesopotamia.

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samarians lived in a city called sumer it was one of i believe 12 or 9 somthing like that that were visited by the aliens that started the first civlization and here we are

Who had the skill to do writing for others in sumer?

A special group of people called scribes.

How do you use sumer in a sentence?

Sure! Here is an example sentence: "I plan to visit the Sumer exhibit at the museum next weekend."

Who were the Sumerian?

I hate you wiki answers. P.S. I know everyone will check the no box for this P.S.S. I apologize to anyone who wants answers and read this piece of junk

Sumer is now called?

in about 2000BCE

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the people of sumer practiced polytheism the worship of many gods

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The first people who lived in Nevada are called Nevadians and they are also called Woodland people. :)

What did sumer do?

Sumer is the first civilization. The Sumerians were the first civilized people.