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Money. People over 60 years of age who had only one child were given 600 yuan (~$72) per year. This, while it may not seem like a lot of money, is quite a lot to the people of China. The average income for most Chinese farmers is only around US$130 per year, so the amount given by the government is relatively substantial.

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Q: What were the penalties and rewards of the one child policy for families in China?
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Agree or disagree on one child policy in china?

I disagree with the one child policy in China because China is a country and they can fit more people in it, it is cruel to the citizens and families living in China

Does the One-Child Policy in China apply to all the people in China?

Wealthy families can pay a fee to the government in order to have second children.

The effect of the one child policy?

The one child policy in China has caused immeasurable emotional anguish for families. They are forced to have an abortion of a child that they love.

What are the benefits of china's one child policy?

The benefits of China's One Child Policy is that the population of China won't get to crowded and the country won't get into debt because of caring for so many children and families. So, the policy saves money for the country and helps stop the populated getting to densely populated.

What will happen if families start to leave china because of its one child policy?

I would imagine that the country would end the policy sooner than they originally intended... China's "one-child" policy is, put simply, a way for the country to attempt to control the population. If families were to leave, the population would be effectively controlled, albeit in a different way than the Chinese government intended. Also, not all of the population in China is subject to this policy. So for the most part, though it is resisted in many areas, China has not noticed a large dent in their population since instituting this policy.

Is there population police in china?

The "One-Child" policy was started in 1979, with fines and other civil penalties being placed on families having more than one child. There were significant exceptions granted, however. As with most other Chinese policies, there is no specific police branch or department - rather, the policy is administered (and enforced) by the political bureaucracy via local bureaucrats and administrators.

What are the major rules of China's one-child policy?

Most families are only allowed to have a single child; there aer a few exceptions, however. Rural families can have a second child if the first's a girl or disabled, and foreigners or ethnic minorities are completely free from the policy.

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What were the specific rules of the China's one child policy?

Under China's one child policy, which was in place from 1979 to 2015, most couples were restricted to having only one child. There were exceptions, such as rural families allowed to have a second child if their first child was a girl. The policy was enforced through various measures, including financial penalties, employment consequences, and sometimes even forced abortions or sterilizations, particularly in the early years of implementation. The policy aimed to control population growth, alleviate pressure on resources, and promote economic development.

What are the people and families like in China?

The people and families in china are very rude and weird.

What is china mcclain's achievements or rewards?

i think that it is cøol

What is china's one world policy?

It is called China's one child policy.