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north,yakees, union and for the south they were south,rebells, confederate

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Q: What were the nicknames of the north and south?
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What is the Yankee Army?

It was the North in the Civil War. The North's nicknames were the Yanks(Yankees) and the South's were the Rebels.

Were the north the confederates or were the south in the civil war era?

The North were referred to as the Union troops and the South was called the Confederates. Their nicknames were the North Yankees and the South Rebels.

What were the nicknames of the north and the south during the civil war?

The Union, North: Yanks, Yankees, Blue BelliesThe Confederacy, South: Rebels, Rebs, Johnny Rebs, Sesh, Secessionists, Gray Backs

What were the nicknames for the North and South in the Civil War?

North~union~rich boys south~ confederate ========= Supporters of the North called themselves the Union and they called the South Rebels. Supporters of the South called themselves the Confederacy and they called the North Yankees. As a name for the generic individual soldier (something like G. I. Joe of the 20th Century) a soldier of the North is sometimes referred to as Billy Yank and one from the South as Johnny Reb.

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The official nickname of North Dakota, as adopted by the North Dakota State Legislature in 1957, is the Peace Garden State. Other nicknames for North Dakota are the Flickertail State and the Roughrider State.

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South to north

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Dixie and Dixieland are nicknames for the South. They were originally nicknames for New Orleans and surrounding areas, but eventually became a nickname for the whole South.

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Oliver North goes by Ollie.

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South to North

Does the nile river flow from south to north or north to south?

South to North.