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Q: What were the names of the people who spread Christianity?
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Why did StPaul travel?

St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.

How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Paul of Tarsus, who was previously known as Saul spread Christianity as the first Christian missionary, or person who spreads their belief to non-believers. He travelled across the Roman Empire, sending Christian messages to gentiles and non-Jewish communities as well as to Jews. This allowed more people to follow the faith. He preached about Christianity in new areas where no one had preached before, and established Christianity there.

What ideas did monks help spread across Europe?

Monks help spread Christianity across Europe.

How did early Christianity spread?

Because if you look in your social studies book it will start talking about Christianity. well it started to spread by someone started a group. i can not remember the name but that person started a group which attracted more and more people to come. So people began to see how important Christianity was

Why did the people of Vietnam protest against the spread of Christianity?

because of the law ordinance 10

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Why were europeans so interested in exploration the 1400 and 1500?

To spread Christianity. They thought it was what their God wanted them to do as if it would help save the people of the world.

What are the similarities between the spread of Islam and Christianity?

Both Islam and Christianity religions were spread through people free choice and will. However, the early spread of Islam was through fighting against the pagans who were attacking Muslims from time to time. While the early wide spread of Christianity was through the convert of the emperor Constantine to Christianity and accordingly persuaded the empire people to convert to Christianity.

What helped the europeans spread Christianity to native people?

the bible

How did the geography of the roman affect the spread of Christianity?

Well as we know Rome is near the Tiber River so it was difficult for people to cross it to spread Christianity.

What did missionaries from Spain want to spread?

They were converting the indigenous people to Christianity in the form of Roman Catholicism.

Where is Christianity spread to?

Christianity is spread all over the world.

What names are given to people that follow Christianity?


Which group of people established trading posts and spread Christianity?

The French

What result from the spread of mission?

It brought more people to believe in christianity!

Where did Christianity spread to in 325 A.D.?

By 325ad Christianity had spread throughout the Roman Empire and to Britain. If you google "spread of Christianity map" you will find maps showing the spread.

How did Christianity first spread beyond judea?

The apostles spread the message in key areas of the empire and converted people.

Why did Christianity spread across the world?

People spread the message to others then they spread it to others and so on until it became a world-wide religion.