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Ancient China's been around longer than the pyramids. For a history of that country, it's best to refer to the website on China. The only interest to western military historians concerning China was their defense systems, such as the "Great Wall of China", and their wars concerning the building of that wall. Which involved fighting the Mongols and associated Barbarians. Those were earth shaking events...that wall can be seen from outer space!

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15y ago
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14y ago

Lunar Festival and Chinese New Year...all I know xD

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15y ago

Many battles and fights all to try to take control of china

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12y ago

Can you give me like more information. All I've got so far is something about Qin and about the taiping rebellion. Can you give me more info! Plz

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10y ago

1. The building of the Wall of China.

2. The massacre in Tianamen Square.

3. The Mao Zedong Regime.

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11y ago

In 1995

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