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killing people

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Q: What were the mistakes of the Holocaust?
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Why is the holocaust being remembered?

History is very educational. Only by understanding our past can we understand our present and make reasonable plans for our future. It has also been observed that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. In other words, we have to learn from our collective mistakes. If we do not learn from our mistakes, we will make those mistakes again.

What are the importance of learning from mistakes?

so u dont mess up again with the same tthing like learning from the holocaust so someone doesnt do tht again

What did Elie Wiesel do during World War 2?

He tried to keep himself and his father alive during the Holocaust, making a few mistakes while trying to survive.

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust

What was Hitler's view on the Holocaust?

He approved of the Holocaust and was the one who made the Holocaust happen.

What is Holocaust remembrance?

To remember the Holocaust.

Did holocaust have families?

Holocaust was not a person

Who the holocaust is?

The Holocaust is a concept not a person.

When was the Jewish Holocaust fought?

The Holocaust wasn't a war. Please see the related questions.

We have made a mistakes when you are in a hurry or make mistakes when we are in a hurry?

We make mistakes when we are in a hurry.

What is one aspect of the holocaust?

One aspect of the Holocaust is murder, there was a lot of killing in the Holocaust.

Why do you continue to learn about the Holocaust?

Its much important to learn because its necessary for every student to know about it.