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Jacques Cartier went on 3 separate expeditions.

1. 1534

2. 1535

3. 1541- 1542

However, he is most famous for his expedition in 1535. This is when Cartier discovered and named the St. Lawrence River in the New World (Canada).

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āˆ™ 12y ago
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āˆ™ 9y ago

On his first voyage, Cartier discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. He claimed Canada for France. On his second voyage, he traveled down the St. Lawrence River. He brought back what he thought was gold and diamonds but it turned out that they were only quartz crystals and fool's gold.

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āˆ™ 12y ago

Jacques Cartier wanted to find the Northwest Passage to Asia (Just Like England). King Francois the First sent Jacques Cartier to find it and also to find countries that had Gold. He sailed across the Atlantic Ocean with two ships from St.Malo ( In France!) He entered the strait of Belle Isle between Newfoundland and Labrador. into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

This is all i remember Good Luck!

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āˆ™ 15y ago

On his jorney his crew started fights and his wife was killed but he still reached his destination ok with 4 crew members.

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āˆ™ 13y ago

During Cartier's second voyage to the New World, he sailed up the St Lawrence River as far as present-day Montréal, and found that the the river was impassable beyond the Lachine rapids.

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āˆ™ 11y ago


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