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Long Range Submarines, Fleet Aircraft Carriers, Long Range Bombers (B-29 Superfortress), Amphibious Tractors (Landing Craft), Nuclear Weapons.

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Q: What were the major developments of the Pacific War during World War 2?
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What was the first major US defeat during World War 2 in the Pacific?

The bombing of Pearl Harbor. Obviously.

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The pacific ocean

What are the 3 major theatres of war during World War 2?

The 3 major theatres of WWII were the European Theatre, the Pacific Theatre and the North-African Theatre.

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Some major religious developments during this period include the spread of Christianity throughout Europe and into other regions, the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, and the emergence and spread of Mahayana Buddhism in Asia. These developments had significant impacts on societies, culture, and politics.

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The three major oceans are the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian.

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One of the major developments during the first presidential administrations under the constitution was the implementation of a foreign policy, which allowed the country to do business with others.

What was the major turning point in the Pacific during World War 2?

Battle of Midway where US Navy ambushed Japanese and sank 4 aircraft carriers

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The Pacific is by far the largest of the oceans.

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What were the two major theatres of World War 2?