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Q: What were the main differences between Wilson's plan for peace and the actual Treaty of Versailles?
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What effects did wilsons illness have on the ratification of the treaty of Versailles?

President Woodrow Wilson was president while the Treaty was instated. Illness made him more determined to pass the treaty quickly.

How did the US react to the Treaty of Versailles?

Many Americans objected to the settlement and especially to president wilsons league of nations.

All of president wilsons fourteen points were carried out in the treaty of Versailles?

no...none of them

The Versailles treaty was between?

The Treaty of Versailles was between Germany and the Allies/Big Four(America, England, France, Italy).

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What effect did wilsons illness have on the ratification of the treaty of versailles?

President Woodrow Wilson was president while the Treaty was instated. Illness made him more determined to pass the treaty quickly.

Opposition of the Treaty of Versailles?

Opposition of the treaty Versailles

Where was the site of the signing Treaty of Versailles also known as the Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany?


What is the name of the peace treaty that was signed between the allies and Germany?

The treaty of Versailles.

Where did the Treaty of Versailles take place?

The Treaty of Versailles is peace treaty that ended war between Germany and Allied powers and the treaty was signed on 28 June 1919,but it took six months of negotiations and at Paris Peace Conference the treaty was concluded and registered by the Secretariat of the League of Nations on 21 October 1919 and it signed in the palace of versailles.

What is the relationship between Poland and the treaty of Versailles?

No relationships

What is exactly is the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty between the Allies and Central Powers to end WWI. And which put virtually all the blame of WWI on Germany.