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The long term reasons for Russia's entry into WWI were to save face on the international arena by participating in the war and winning; unite the country with a very patriotic war fought for the ideal of pan-slavinism (help me out if that's not the correct term); perhaps territorial gain at the expense of her neighbors, Austria Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire; and financial assistance in return for military involvement from her Western allies. If anybody knows any other reasons--of which I'm sure there are more--feel free to add or edit this answer.

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16y ago

The Russians fought in the war to help Serbia, WWI started with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Austria wanted the basically get revenge on Serbia, so the Russians helped them, that's the direct cause of why Russian was fighting in WWI, other causes might be Russia was in an alliance with the British and France...

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On reason is that Russia was Serbia's protector and Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia.

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1 reason was they wanted to show they were still a power to be reckoned with after the humiliating defeat to the Germans for the Rhineland in 1871(?)

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sepa la madre

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Q: What were the long term reasons Russia joined World War 1?
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