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Q: What were the laws Mussolini made up?
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Related questions

How did Benito Mussolini keep his laws in order?

by forcing his iron will on others

What caused Mussolini's race laws of 1938?

He was influenced by Nazi Germany.

Did Mussolini try to blow up Hitler?

No, but Mussolini did blow up other people in WWII

What changed was made by Mussolini?


Where were the laws Hammurabi written?

the laws are written on a pillar made up of Babylon

Which of these nations did Mussolini seize in 1939?

Mussolini seized the nation of Albania in 1939 and was made a separate kingdom.

How were laws made in Rome?

shut up who cares

What was Benito Mussolini government?

Benito Mussolini dropped all democracy and set up a legal dictatorship.

How are laws made in WI?

buy beating up a kid :)

What is made up of the president and enforces laws?

The Executive branch

How is Mussolini?

Mussolini was the dictator of Italy until he was shot during the 2nd world War and hung up by his heels.

How was the government set up under Mussolini?

Mussolini had a dictatorship that was called fascism. Fascism is a totalitarian government that is not communist.