Historically, pharaohs were the rulers of the land. Their jobs were to dictate people and force other lands into submission. Their respondlites were to do just that and also live life lavishly as an example to their citizens of what the afterlife held for the common people.
They were the absolute rulers/monarchs of their country and, in additon, were believed to be descendants of Gods.
there were many ancient Egyptian jobs including farmers,priests,craftspeople,blacksmiths,jewelers, animal breeders,scribes,pharaohs, bakers,artists
High Priest, reader of the Pharaohs official documents and to order protection of his chamber of a night time
how did pharaohs interact with neighbors
11 pharaohs were.
What were the tools of trade of a pharao
What were the tools of trade of a pharao
What were the tools of trade of a pharao
to take care of his or her people and things
To govern, to defend, to protect and promote their peoples' interests as their father.
They were the absolute rulers/monarchs of their country and, in additon, were believed to be descendants of Gods.
Because it was part of the Pharaohs many jobs.
there were many ancient Egyptian jobs including farmers,priests,craftspeople,blacksmiths,jewelers, animal breeders,scribes,pharaohs, bakers,artists
High Priest, reader of the Pharaohs official documents and to order protection of his chamber of a night time
Most slaves were captured from neighboring countries when Egypt seized them during the New Kingdom. Their jobs included building temples and waiting on pharaohs and priests.
the could not be scribes only slaves,farmers or maybe pharaohs
"Mummies of pharaohs" as a possessive noun could be "the pharaohs' mummies." This indicates that the mummies belong to the pharaohs.