Go online and check the exchange rates. It changes everyday, but this will give you an idea.
The Primary reason was that East Germany was controlled by a communist government in Germany and by the Soviet Union, whereas West Germany had a democratically elected government that allowed a free market economy that traded with the rest of western Europe and was protected by the NATO military alliance. Also the western areas of Germany had historically more developed industries than the eastern areas which were more agricultural.
The Hawley-Smoot Tariff set some of the highest tariff rates in the history of the nation. Agricultural rates, for example, went from 38 to 49 percent. United States sugar producers were given special protection. The new sugar rates practically killed the sugar industry in Cuba. The high rates had an impact on Europe where manufacturers found it hard to sell their goods in America which added to the international economic decrease in trade.
In Portugal, the circumcision rate is less than 1%. Throughout the world, America, and the Middle East are the only areas with higher circumcision rates than 10%.
reasons for high birth rates due to lack off food
The immigration rate in Australia is around 210,000 at the end of 2010. The immigration seem to of had a decrease since the previous year was about 340,000. The decline in immigration rates creates a shortage of workers.
restrict immigration rates for countries outside of western Europe
restrict Immigration rates for countries outside of Western Europe
It is around 1.3 million people a year
The Hispanic population is the fastest growing minority group in the United States. This growth is driven by high birth rates and continued immigration from Latin America.
There is no simple formula for population growth. Some of the factors that you need to take account of are: Emigration rates Immigration rates Demographics Age-specific fertility rates Death rates
The population can grow or shrink depending on the interaction of the two flows and the two rates.
You can calculate a country's immigration rate in a manner similar to the calculation of birth and death rates. The immigration rate for Canada is 7/1000 (0.7%)
It is due to falling birth rates and nearly no immigration into the country.
Some of the factors include: -Population Momentum -Affluence -Technology -Whether or not a country is Developing/Developed -Disease -Immigration and Emigration -Respect for Women ( countries that treat women as second-class citizens often have higher fertility rates) -Epideimiologic Transition -Birth Rate -Death Rate
At present, the Banco of America's mortgate rates on a 30 year fixed mortgate are 3.75% (3.936% APR) but such rates can fluctuate and latest rates should always be checked on the bank's website.