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they had no houses they lived in boxes

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i dont no

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Q: What were the houses like in famine times?
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Barns were invented as a way to keep grain safe from outside elements. In ancient times store houses were built to house grain to be dolled out during times of famine.

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Nope you can use them as many times as you like (:

What was the name of the disease during the famin in Ireland?

The Irish famine caused famine related death as well as death from famine related diseases. It was actually during the Irish potato famine that famine related diseases were recorded for the first time by doctors in work houses where the poor went when they were homeless and had no means of feeding themselves. These poor houses were over populated and disease spread rapidly. The main famine related diseases we are talking about are typhus and dysentery.The famine was caused by the fact that the Irish had been gradually dispossessed, practically across the board, during the English invasions. With no land of their own, they became poor peasants who had to rent from landlords at an expensive price.

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famine is where you are really hungry and can't access food.

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Countries like Ethiopia and North Korea are countries that suffer from famine.

What Did the Irish think about the Famine?

The didn't like it.

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well theirs houses looked like made of branches and others type of thing's didn't had no money to live in and apartment or pay a rent in those times.

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Times of bad harvests and famine

What did the Sumerian houses look like?

Like houses

What did houses in colonial times look like?

Middle colony homes were made out of very simple materials. Often times these homes would be made mostly out of wood.

What did the tudors houses look like?

they looked like houses today!