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Early Modern warfare is associated with the start of the widespread use of gunpowder and the development of suitable weapons to use the explosive. The Ottoman empire, the Safavid empire and the Mughal empire were gunpowder empires which had striking periods of culture blooming, followed by sharp decline. Islamic societies were generally conservative, and did not undergo the kind of radical changes that occurred in Western world in politics and culture. Islamic societies produced a great deal of scientific work, but no scientific revolution; and commercial prosperity, but no industrial explosion. The European colonialism of 19th century went hand in hand with the relentless advance of Western industrial, commercial and military power, which began in the early modern world. The Shi'ite/Sunni division of Islamic world was also an enduring separation-which is still going on in Iran and Iraq right now.

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England, France, and Holland, later to be displaced by Germany, were the European empires.

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Q: What were the gunpowder empires pf the early modern period?
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What do historians mean when they refer to modern beginning in the mid 15th century?

The 'Early Modern' period referred to by historians is roughly the period from 1450-1750. This period is so-called as the Early-Modern period because this was the time that the Renaissance occured in Europe, where many new ideas, art forms, scientific discoveries were made that were the foundation stones of the making of the modern world.

How did the international role of Europe change from the Post classical period to the early modern period?

The international roles of Europe during the Post-Classical Period and the Early Modern Period differed by the amount of interaction with the rest of the world, the trading status with other countries, and the overall power of Europe compared to other countries. When Europe changed from the Post- Classical period to the Early Modern Period, the international role of Europe changed. Europe went from being focused more on the Northern west area, Europe became a more powerful trading counterpart and they began to explore and colonize.

In what war was gunpowder first used?

Evidence has been found that gunpowder began to be used in weapontry as early as 960 AD in the Northern Song Dynasty of China. Gunpowder was used in early cannonballs and as wicks for flame throwers and bombs. Metal weapons, which were a predecessor to firearms were used in the Yuan Dynasty as early as 1271. These weapons were all used during the early wars between the different kingdoms of China. The unification of China is believed, by some, to be the result of gunpowder. Says the fag you listen too.

The Mongols were the first to use gunpowder to?

No, the Chinese used gunpowder before the Mongols did. So did the Jurchens, who conquered northern China in the early 1100s. The Mongols undoubtedly acquired knowledge of gunpowder weapons from the Jurchens and the Chinese.

What is the sequence of Japanese historical eras?

Japan has seven historical eras. Here is the country's sequential era and sub-areas: Early Historical Period (Asuka/Nara and Heian Period); Medieval Period (Kamakura and Moromachi Period); Early Modern Period (Momoyama and Edo (Tokugawa) Period); Edo Period (Kan' ei, Meiriki, Manji, Kanbun, Enpo, Tenna, Jokyo, Genroku, Shotoku, Kyoho, Horeki, Meiwa, An' ei, Tenmei, Kansei, Bunka, Tenpo); and the Modern Period (Meiji Restoration).

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