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Q: What were the general social attitudes in the 1930s?
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What were the Social issues of the 1930s?

During the 1930s some social issues were prohibition and women's rights. Civil rights for minorities was another social issue of the 1930s.

What actors and actresses appeared in Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence - 1953?

The cast of Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence - 1953 includes: Lorne Greene as Himself - Narrator

How did social attitudes affect slavery?

Social attitudes towards slavery varied over time and across different cultures. In some societies, slavery was widely accepted and even considered a necessary institution, while in others there were movements to abolish slavery driven by changing social attitudes towards human rights and equality. Social attitudes often played a significant role in shaping the laws and policies surrounding slavery.

What heading of the social programs of the 1930s come?

new deal

Where is the 1930S General Store Museum in Palm Springs California located?

The address of the 1930S General Store Museum is: Po Box 2743, Palm Springs, CA 92263

What is the general attitudes in Mexico?

they are very nice people

How does visual media reflect or influence social behaviors and attitudes?

Audio media has greatly influenced social behaviors and attitudes especially for the young people these days. The music has lyrics that are reflective of the artists lifestyle and young people try to emulate them.

Who was the leader of the fascists in the spanish revolution in the 1930s?

General Franco

Under what heading did the social programs of the 1930s come?

new deal

What are the Managerial values and attitudes in business ethics?

managerial values and attitudes

What would the police do if you are reported racists?

Depends on the law where you are, and on social attitudes.