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The apple 1 was the first ever computer made by apple, they were hand built by Steve Wozniac. It was very basic made out of wood. Check it out in the related links.

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Q: What were the first computers build by apple?
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When did they start selling apple computers to the public?

The first Apple computers were sold in 1976.

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When were apple computers created?

The Apple I was first sold in 1976.

Does apple allow other companie to build apple compatible computers?

Apple does not allow other companies to manufacture apple compatible computers. Some, such as Psystar, have tried but have been taken to court and forced to stop.

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Was Apple the first computers made?

No. The first computer that resembles modern computers was made in the early to mid 40s. They were considerably larger and less capable than today's computers, but they were computers none the less. Apple released their first computer kit - the Apple I Personal Computer Kit in 1976.

Who made apple computers?

Steve jobs made the first apple computer

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What country did apple computers originate?

The Apple computer was first made in 1976 in the USA.

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IBM came first

In what year did Apple Computers first create iMac?

It was 1996

How can you be an administrator on Apple computers?

An administrator is the person who first signs in a creates an account into an Apple computer.