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It does not help to answer a question with a question, unfortunatley however, I think we must ask, "what is a hippie?" While I served in the Vietnam War, I also served in the Korean War and WWII. During WWII I think the hippie would have been more properly named "Zoot Suiter" by virtue of his style of dress. (Chains, finger-tip length sports coats, peg leg pants, pork pie hats etc.). As I remember they were inoffensive and mildly upset with the war. Very young service men (kids) didn't like them and normally couldn't tell you why. Generally speaking if there was trouble between them it was because the service men started it. Then it was a simple matter of "getting even." During the Korean War period, the "hippie" was generally characterized as young people lost in an idealistic dream world, speaking out and dreaming of a life in which there was no sickness or sadness or poverty or work. They generally met at neat little coffee shops and read their own poetry or sang their own Folk Music. I always felt it was their avowed mission to drive the older generation "nuts." They were for the most part good young people who eventually grew up and became good and responsible citizens. As for the Vietnam era hippie - I am not sure there were any. They could not by any stretch of the imagination be confused with "protesters." And protesters in no way would confuse themselves with hippies. Protesters, were deadly serious with a deadly mission and even though I am a retired military man with 26 years active service - I could not fault them for speaking out against a tragic, useless loss of life. If I can expand on this please don't hesitate to email me.

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15y ago
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11y ago
Hippies protest Vietnam WarThe Hippies were just one of many groups that opposed the war in Vietnam. They wanted no part of the world as they saw it, and that included Vietnam. Many hippies were determined to change the world and took part in protests against the war. They also supported the Civil Rights Movement. Also, some hippies simply lived in "hippie communities" and tried to avoid contact with the "real" world. Other groups also protested the war. College and high school students staged "sit ins" and "teach ins" to protest the war. Many took part in marches and other forms of demonstrations, some violent some non-violent. Many people who supported the war considered all who opposed the war as "hippies." The hippies were just one group that voiced their anti-war sentiments.


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12y ago

Hippies first sprouted during the Vietnam war, they were evil cold blooded cowards. They would do such cowardly acts as sending dog food to soldiers in Vietnam, they would convince girlfreinds to dump boyfreinds who were soldiers causing immense emotional pain for the young man getting shot at in the jungles of Vietnam. Funnily enough they werent entirely prottesting the war, they were protesitng the draft. These hippies were too cowardly to serve their country. As soon as the drafts were abolished hippies died out.

Hippies should never be trusted and they are evil

Most of the war protestors were on college campuses. Real hippies were camped out in the park, smoking strange things, making music and promoting free love. Most were too stoned to even know there was a war in Vietnam.

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14y ago

It is best summed up in their own phrase Hell No, We Won't Go.

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Q: What were the feelings of the hippies about the Vietnam War?
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Were the hippies happy after the Vietnam war?

When the Vietnam War passed into history, so did the hippies.

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There were drafted hippies in the infantry in Vietnam; they were good men.

Where hippies taken to jail during the Vietnam War?

Nahhh chill.

Who did not support the Vietnam?

Most of the hippies and liberals did not support the Vietnam. that's why we pulled out of Vietnam during the war. we did not pull out in world war one and world war 2 because america was geared in for the war, but Vietnam, not all of america was in for it.

Who fought for peace during the Vientam war?

Vietnam veterans, Hippies, and some politicians.

What were the opponets of the Vietnam war called?

Draft dodgers, Doves, Hippies, Protesters, etc.

Why were the hippies against the draft?

Hippies were against the draft during the Vietnam War because it represented the government's forced involvement in a war they opposed. They believed in nonviolence and rejected the idea of being conscripted to fight in a war they did not support. The draft also symbolized the establishment and authority that hippies were generally against.

What were the feelings of some people for example 'hippies' about the Vietnam war?

Many people, not only so-called 'hippies', were opposed to the war long before it was escalated by LBJ. Protesters - whether publicly or privately - correctly identified the main cause of the conflict (positional advantage in southeast Asia) and were appalled at the number of Americans who lost their lives to jungle-wise Vietnamese.

Examples of counterculture?

hippies, people who were against the Vietnam war, people who were themselves and not like other conservative people.

What bird is associated with the Vietnam War?

The plane a solider took at the end of this tour. Soliders often dreamed of freedom birds because they took them out of harms way.

How did hippies feel after Vietnam ended?

They lost their purpose in life.

What were the psychological side effects of the Vietnam war?

For many, it was the feelings of defeat and rejection.