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Nobility owned all the land, food was short in supply, Russia was involved in World War I, wages were low for the working class. Trust me these answers are correct I was just working on a History Test.

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Q: What were the factors that lead to the Revolution of 1917?
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Why did the Russian revolution lead to ww1?

The Russian Revolution did not lead to World War 1, as the Bolshevik Revolution took place in 1917, 3 years into the war.

Was the russian revolution of 1917 let by the nazis?

Nazis did not lead the Russian Revolution. There were two revolutions in 1917. The February revolution was not led by anyone. It happened spontaneously. The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin.

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The desire for new technology

Which empire had a revolution in 1917?

The Russian Empire had a revolution in 1917.

Who returned form exile in the US to help lead the Bolshevik revolt?

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, or Lenin, returned from exile in 1917 to lead the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution. He was exiled in Europe prior to the revolution.

What year did Vladimir Lenin lead the Russian Revolution?

It was 1917 when Lenin and the Bolsheviks in a nearly bloodless coup took over the Provisional Government that had been in place since the February 1917 revolution. The Provisional Government was dissolved and Lenin assumed power in Russia. It wasn't until 1920 that his hold on Russia was solidified, because the Russian Civil War soon broke out and lasted until 1920.

What revolution did Lenin lead?

Lenin's Revolution is known as the October Revolution of 1917 or the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. There had been another Russian Revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, but Lenin did not figure in that at all. He rose to power because of the October Revolution.

What role did Leon Trotsky play in the 1917 October revolution?

Leon Trotsky was not apart of the October Revolution. However he lead the Red Army in the November Revolution as a part of the Bolshevik Party.

Who inspired the Russian Revolution of 1917?

Lenin inspired the Russian Revolution of 1917.Lenin

What were the three stages of the Russian Revolution?

The three stages of the "Russian Revolution" were the 1905 Revolution after Bloody Sunday, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917.

What are the factors that led to the Russian Revolution in 1917?

The cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was that the Czar, or emperor, Nicholas II was using all the money and treating the people unfairly.there were shortages of food and the "commoners" , or peasants and poor people, were the ones revolting because of this.

Who did trotsky lead?

Trotsky led the Bolshevik/Communist Red Army forces in the Russian Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917.