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"Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany established about 20,000 concentration and death camps to imprison its many millions of victims." Courtesy of The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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Q: What were the estimated number of concentration camps during the Holocaust?
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The estimated number of Jews killed in Europe during the Holocaust is?


How many families were sent to the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

around 8 million families were sent to concentration camps in the holocaust and in which few made it out alive. ____ The number of individuals sent to concentration and extermination camps was lower than this ...

What was the estimated number of Jews killed in Europe during the holocaust?

About six million.

What is estimated number of Holocaust survivors?

Around 100

How many kids died in nazi concentration camps?

As many as 1.5 million children could have been killed at Auschwitz. ____ No. The total number of people killed at Auschwitz was just over 1.1 million. An estimated 25% of the victims were under the age of 15.

What else did Nazi women do besides run concentration camps and be nurses during the Holocaust?

Many German women worked in the armaments industry. Incidentally, the number 'running concentration camps' was tiny.

Holocaust what was sura andrezejko number during the Holocaust?

She was #42513

How many Germans died as a result of the Holocaust?

I wonder if you are confusing the Holocaust with World War 2? Raul Hilberg estimates the total number of Germans killed in the Holocaust as at most 300.

How many got shot in the Holocaust?

I don't know of any data that shows the number of people killed during the Holocaust by method (and the true death figures may never be known), but it is estimated that eleven million people died with six million of them being Jewish.

What were the Major concentration camps in Poland during the Holocaust?

Here are the name of the Major Concentrations in Poland during the Holocaust:AuschwitzBelzecChelmnoMajdanekSobiborWarsaw

What was total number of camps during holocaust?

During the Holocaust, there has been in total of roughly 1,500 Concentration Camps. However between 1933-1935, there were many what was called "Wild Camps" and most only lasted for a few months before being closed or discontinued. From 1935, Most Camps which still existed by then becomes Concentration Camps to hold Political Opponents, regular Criminals and the Jews.

Was grandpa Dan From the book The Devil's Arithmetic part of the Holocaust?

No, Grandpa Dan was in America at the time of the Holocaust. Grandpa Will was the on in it. He went to the concentration camps and everything. If you remember, he had the number on his arm. :)