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You cna't feel them becuase you would be dead since it's called black death! U racsist!

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Q: What were the effects physically and mentally when people caught the black death?
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Should you be more physically or mentally strong in the holocaust?

In the Holocaust, people needed to be more mentally strong. Because when your mentally strong you can coup with a lot more. They also were always thinking should I stay or go and they had to decide on what to do

Who did Hitler kill besides the Jews?

Besides Jewish people, Adolph Hitler killed: Antisocial people, particularly women who didn't fit traditional gender roles Communists Gay men Gypsies/Romani Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as certain other Christians Lazy and "work shy" individuals Mentally or physically handicapped people Substance abusers Union supporters Violent Criminals

What are the pros and cons of racism?

Pros: Groups like the kkk funny jokes makes people feel special Cons: Divides our community Causes danger It's a joke to some people Hurts people physically, and mentally Causes fear to people Makes people ignorant

Were Nazis nice to all people?

No, they weren't. Niceness wasn't much recognized as a Nazi virtue. They were especially vicious to Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, Political Enemies, Homosexuals, Physically and Mentally Handicapped People, and Catholic Priests. They slaughtered 11 million people in these groups (6 million Jews and 5 million others).

Was the physically and mentally disabled killed first in the Holocaust?

Yes. The T4 programme of 'euthanasia' began in 1939, before the building of the camps. An anti disability propaganda campaign, that labelled the physically disabled and mentally ill, "useless eaters" and emphasised the financial burden of caring for them on society, preceded the establishment of six killing centres. Doctors decided which patients were considered burdens on society and sent them to be murdered by starvation, lethal injection or gas. The T4 centres trialled the 'gas chamber disguised as shower room' method of mass murder, which was later expanded in the camps. Camp personnel often started their careers overseeing the ‘euthanasia’ of disabled people in the T4 centres.

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Are cats people?

Not physically, but definitely mentally!

Are cats people too?

Not physically, but definitely mentally!

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Because they are mentally or physically challenged.

Who was taken in the holocaust?

Jewish people homosexuals mentally and physically challened people gypsies

How were people physically and mentally affected in aparthied?

Physically, people in apartheid South Africa were often subjected to violence, torture, and harsh living conditions. Mentally, individuals suffered from discrimination, segregation, and the psychological impact of being treated as inferior based on their race. Apartheid resulted in significant trauma and long-lasting effects on the well-being of many individuals.

What are the negative effects of using weapons to humans?

The negative effects of using weapons to humans are: A) You harm other people physically and mentally B) You harm the environment which can harm crops and C) You are doing wrong to yourself, to the Earth, and to others

Are disabled people stronger than ordinary people?

There's really no way of telling, as there are all kinds of disabilities and all kinds of people. Some will be mentally stronger, but physically weaker. Others will be physically stronger but mentally weaker. Just like people in general.

Which group were main victims during the Holocaust?

Jews, Gypsies, and mentally/physically deformed people.

What do you do when your hausband has left you mentally and physically?

all you have to do is go out try to have fun, and meet new people!!

Who are the group of people that cannot go to Antarctica?

People who are unhealthy, either physically or mentally, are cautioned not to venture into this extreme environment.

Are homeless people mentally and physically ill?

Yes, some are because they can't afford medical care.

Is having intimacy healthy?

Yes, it can be physically, emotionally and mentally benificial when both people behave well.