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Progressive reforms replaced politicians and city bosses with university-educated experts.

Employers accepted the concept of an eight-hour day
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11y ago
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14y ago

Here are the progressive movement effects:

-Restrictions of Child Labor

-Reduced work hours

-Improved safety conditions

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13y ago

king James and Kobe Bryant are the best players in the nba

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its wrong

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Q: What were the reforms of the Progressive Movement?
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Related questions

What movement applied religious beliefs to progressive reforms?

No movement applied religious beliefs to the progressive movement. This is a secular democracy and religion has no place in politics.

What where progressive movement workplace reform?

They organized state by state campaigns to limit womans workdays.

What were the moral reforms of the progressive movement?

SCTU, Frances Willard, Anti-Saloon League

Why did the Progressive movement support changes to the political system such as the primary initiative and referendum?

They were reforms to make the government more democratic

What was the goal of progressive reforms at the local level of government?

The progressive movement accomplished expanding the number of local government employees. It also helped to expose corruption at the local levels.

How did Theodore roosevelt support progressive reforms?

Roosevelt supported Progressive Reforms with the Square Deal

How did Americans benefit from progressive reforms?


Are any Progressive Movement reforms still around today?

The Food and Drug Act (FDA), women's rights, child labor, reforms in the workplace (minimum wage, limited hours).. probably some others too

What events lead to the progressive movement?

The mau movement is lead to the progressive movement!

What was the main goal of the progressive movement's government reforms?

Some goals of Progressive reformers in the US were: elimination of government corruption, education reforms, regulation of corporations and monopolies, elimination of child labor, etc.

Progressive ideas or reforms focus first on?

the workplace

Who were some important people during the Progressive era in the US?

The Progressive Movement in the United States was not started by one person or one group. The progressive ideas and ideals that were expressed in the early years of the 20th century go back to the ideas expressed by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. The Progressive Movement inherited ideas and reforms from such groups as the Mugwumps, the groups leading the Social Gospel movement, the women's movement which goes back to the 19th century, Populism, and even some socialistic ideas put forth in the late 19th century. Basically, the progressives saw ills in society at all levels of government--local, state, and national. They attempted to correct these evils and ills in various ways. The thing that made the Progressive Movement more successful than previous groups attempting reform was that the progressivies appealed to a wide variety of people and ideas. They included members of most political parties as well as the poor, middle, and upper classes of society. There were progressive businessmen, progressive politicians, and progressive individuals and groups. Another factor in the success of the movement was that there were three progressive presidents who pushed the ideals of the movement, and leading senators and representatives who helped create the public support for the movement's reforms. MrV