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Spain and some Switzerland were neutral during WWII. But Spain had experienced the Spanish Civil War in 1936 & Switzerland was surrounded by high mountains. Being isolated paid off for Switzerland. Spain was recovering from their 1936 war. In general, unless a country has geographical protection (such as Switzerland), being neutral and/or isolated by verbal/written laws only sets that country up for "DINNER" for the hungry wolves.

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Q: What were the effects of appeasement and isolationism during World War 2?
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What did appeasement do during World War 2?


What is appeasment act during world war2?

noone knows what the appeasement is.

When was isolationism created?

isolationism started in world war 2

Which british prime minister during world war 2 disapproved of the policy of appeasement?

Winston Churchill

What is a Sentence for isolationism?

The isolationism of the United States delayed its entry into both World Wars.

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Who U.S policy of isolationism during in the S's?

The United States pursued a policy of isolationism during the 1920s and 1930s in response to the aftermath of World War I, the Great Depression, and disillusionment with international affairs. This policy aimed to avoid entanglement in European conflicts and focus on domestic issues, such as economic recovery and social reform. However, isolationism began to shift as tensions rose in Europe prior to World War II.

When was the policy of appeasement made?

The policy of appeasement was not an actual policy, rather a strategy adopted by Britain and France during the 1930's to try and lower Hitler's aggressiveness. Ultimately it was a factor in causing World War 2

Who hoped that his policy of appeasement would keep the peace in Europe during World War 2?

Prime Minester of England Chamberlin

Which countries gave into appeasement during World War 2 and why?

england n france to [ hopefully ] keep the "dogs of war" at bay

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