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1nd AnswerA steward was a manager, not really looking after the lord of a manor, so much as looking after the manor itself or its finances or assets. Or he might look after the assets and finances of a kingdom. He was not a slave or a serf, but was also not usually a member of the nobility. 2rd AnswerA steward was a lord's chief representative of a village. When a lord was not present in that village, the steward was in effective control of the village - though answerable to the lord if something went wrong.
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A steward was an administrative official who ran the affairs of a feudal lord in the lord's place. This may have been due to the absence of the lord in military service, or because the lord held multiple properties and could not be present to manage affairs himself. At the level of a manor, the steward was usually the highest official, being responsible to the lord for the productivity and proper management of the manor, and also representing the lord in matter of justice in the manor court.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
AnswerThe steward was a manager. He might manage a manor, or a county, or a kingdom. In some places, the steward actually took over, as in the case of the Scottish Stewart family, named after their office. The French Charles Martel was another steward, called the Mayor of the Palace, or major domo, who took regal authority.

The original meaning of the words steward seems to have been an English term that meant place keeper.

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Another Answer, merged inHe took care of the estate and domestic administration. Supervised the household and events in the great hall. Also refered to as a seneschal.
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The steward had to look after the lord of the manor.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

He took care of the estate and domestic administration. Supervised the household and events in the great hall. Also reffered to as a seneschal.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A steward was someone who took care of wealthy people in the middle ages.

E.g. poured wine.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

A steward would look after a lord's castle or estates while the lord was absent. They were also appointed to taking care of any legal and financial responsibilities regarding the lords estates.

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Q: What were the duties of the steward in the Middle Ages?
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