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Q: What were the duties of the original carpenters of the navy?
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What was the original purpose of Carpenters hall?

To find work for carpenters and negotiate with employers.

What was role of navy women in world war 2?

To help the Navy men with ships and supplies and duties to win the war

Where was the US navy formed?

The Continental Navy was established on Oct 13, 1775 by the Second Continental Congress, which met in Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia.

Why did the habitants have carpenters?

They had carpenters because they needed the carpenters

What did the Women Accepted for Voluteer Emergency Service do?

They helped with many administrative and transport duties in the US Navy.

What is an able rating?

An able rating is a seaman in the Royal Navy who is qualified to perform certain duties of seamanship.

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How hard is navy boot camp?

Navy boot camp is quite hard and results in many dropouts. It is purposely designed to be difficult to weed out those who will not perform well at their duties.

When did The Carpenters end?

The Carpenters ended in 1983.

Will the royal navy ever operate cruises again?

The Royal Navy (please note capitals) has never operated tourist cruises. Royal Navy ships travel thruoghout the world on their duties, though they are not so numerous as they were in the 1920s.

Are there more male carpenters or female carpenters?

At present there are far more male carpenters than female.

Is the vice-presidency in the constitution?

Yes- the original Constitution creates this office and its duties.