

Best Answer
  • Sugar Act(1764): a tax on sugar and molasses..
  • Quartering Act(1765): colonists had to house or and feed any British soldiers that needed it
  • Stamp Act(1765): a tax on all documents including legal papers, newspaper and playing cards
  • Townshend Act(1767): a tax on glass, tea, paper, etc, allowed the Wrists of Assistance
  • Intolerable Act(1774): harsh laws put on the people of MA, they were meant to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party.
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Q: What were the different acts known as the American Revolution?
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What chronological order do these 4 events belong in 'the sugar and stamp acts' 'the townshend acts' 'the Declaration of Independence' 'the American Revolution'?

The Sugar and Stamp Acts The Townshend Acts The American Revolution Begins The Declaration of Independence

How did the different acts of the colonists cause that would be later known as the American Revolution?

Certainly the Boston Tea Party meets that citeria. The Boston Massacre can't be directly blamed on them, but is often among the grievances cited.

Is their any u words in the American revolution?

untollerable acts

What acts led to the American Revolution?

The acts passed by the British Parliament that began the events leading to the American Revolution were called the Intolerable Acts. The List attached to the Declaration of Independence lists over a thousand reasons. Other reasons existed.

Which two battles marked the beginning of the American Revolution?

The Townshend Acts, The Boston Tea Party, The Stamp Act, Intolorable Acts, The Boston Massacre, and The Tea Acts. The first battles of the American Revolution were The Battle of Lexington, and the Battle of Bunker Hill

What intolerable act was the worst?

They were all "intolerable." The acts led to the American Revolution.

How did The Intolerable Acts lead to the American revolution?

It angered the Americans to the point of war

How did intolerable acts lead to the American Revolution?

It angered the Americans to the point of war

What American revolution acts were repealed?

The Stamp Act, which was later replaced by the Sugar Act in 1754, followed by the Townshend Acts and Intolerable (Coercive Acts)

Why would the tax on tea start the groundwork for the american revolution?

The Boston Tea Party was the key event in growth of American Revolution. The parliament responded in 1774 with Coercive Acts.

What factors lead up to the start of the American Revolution?

The Intolerabl Acts. Taxation without representatin.

What right to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests is known as?

It is called the Right Of Revolution.