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North had more factories, the South had more Cotton Plantations.

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Q: What were the differences between the north and the south besides slavery?
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What were the differences between the south and the north ideologies pre civil war?

One of the obvious differences between the North and the South during the U.S. Civil War was that the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro-slavery.

What were the sectional differences between the north and south?

the north banned slavery while the south allowed it

What were the differences in the north and south?

The difference between the north and the south is the north did not have slavery but the south had the bad slavery and all that broughnt it intot the north and everything went mixed up. The north had factories and the south had plantiations.

How differences between the north and south led to conflict between them?

Most of the North did not approve of slavery and voted for Abraham Lincoln. While the South was the opposite, they heavily relied on slavery and most of them did not vote for Abraham Lincoln.

Why is the creation of the Republican Party GOP related to the causes of the Civil War?

it caused differences between pro-slavery south and agains slavery north

Differences between north and south which started war?

The coexistence of a slave-owning south with an increasingly anti-slavery north made conflict .

What did differences in the north and south lead to?

The differences in the North and South over slavery lead to the Civil War (1861 - 1865) which the North won, the country was united and slavery came to an end.

What event triggered the fighting between the north and the south?

The event that triggered the fighting between the north and south was when Jefferson Davis ordered that Fort Sumpter be attacked. This started the American Civil War. States rights and slavery were also trigger points.

What were some of the differences between the North and South prior to the Civil War?

the north didnt want slavery, but the south did. this led to the worst and bloodiest war in the history of America

What were the major differences between the north and south?

The north was against slavery and the south needed it for their economy. Though the north didn't care much more for African Americans, the south did enslave them.From:DeMarco.Cobb

What were some basic differences between the North and South during Civil War times?

slavery was the most basic differences between the north and south and they did not like the fact that people wanted slavery and some people didn't. another difference was everyone wanted to have all the forts so the decided to battle and see who should win Fort Sumter and when the battle was over the North won Fort Sumter even though Fort Sumter battle and Fort Sumter is in the south.

What were some of the differences between the north and the south that increased tensions between the two regions?

The differences between the north and south they have different economise. The North relied on industry and technology because of the bad soil so they couldn't farm. The south relied on farming and agriculture because of their Rich soil! Also, because of this big economical difference slavery was an issue. in fact slavery was the biggest issue and was the major cause of the civil war! The south wanted slavery because they were always farming. However, the North had no need for slavery because of their industries. But even though the north didn't need slavery they were against it. They morally believed it was wrong and wanted to end it. The south was not going to give up slavery so tensions rose there for causing big tensions leading to the civil war!